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Emily Norman

Software Engineer

My Projects

Check out some of my projects!

Stellar Society

Stellar Society is a social media website made for gamers, nerds and anyone in between. Stellar Society is a place to find new friends or reconnect with old friends. Dive into a universe where your passions are celebrated!

  • React

  • Python

  • AWS

Screenshot of Stellar Society


Purrfolio is a stock trading website. Purrfolio was created by Dylan, Charles, and Emily. Purrfolio utilizes stock data from Alpaca API and allows users to buy, sell and watch stocks with paper trading. Afford the life your cat deserves.

  • React

  • Python

Screenshot of Stellar Society

My Skills

Here are some of the technologies I've used


About me

Hey there! I'm Emily Norman, a full-stack software engineer with a passion for problem-solving and bringing concepts to life. My journey into the world of coding started at App Academy, where I immersed myself in the art and science of programming.

With a solid grasp of JavaScript and Python, I thrive on the challenge of solving problems. But beyond the code, I'm all about curiosity and creativity.

When I'm not knee-deep in code, you can find me diving into video games with friends, exploring new worlds through books, or hanging out with my two feline companions, Denise and Sally.

As Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus once said, "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!" That's become my mantra as I navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

I'm driven by a passion for learning and a desire to continuously improve, both personally and professionally.

So, whether you're here to collaborate, innovate, or simply share a love for purple (my favorite color!), let's connect and make something amazing together. Let's take chances, make mistakes, and get messy – because that's where the magic happens.

Emily Norman

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me anytime!